Go is a traditional boardgame that is very simple but can be very complex. I was introduced to it by my spouse’s brother while during a trip to Thailand. He recommended that I watch Hikaru No Go. I started watching a few episodes and it was really good. I choose to look at the series with the original voices since I really don’t like dubbing but the texting seems to be good.
I bought a small foldable board on a market in Chiang Mai and has been using that for four years now. Yesterday I stubled upon a great game review of an Go match by Nick Sibicky and I decided to check out the prices of boards and stones again. I havn’t wanted to spend money on buying a board of the correct size since they are quite costly but I’ve been looking around and this time I found a great deal for a set that I couldn’t resist.

So now I’m happily waiting for the shipment to arrive!